Level Up Easy Mode Level Up East Mode
Skyrim has retained an incredible degree of popularity since its initial release in 2011. Part of why it has remained so popular is the sheer variety of playstyles offered by the 18 different skills that can be learned. Once "Legendary Skills" were added to the game, any skill that reached 100 could be reset to 15, while the player keeps all the levels and perk points that had been collected.
This effectively removes the level cap of 81 that Skyrim had at launch and allows players to learn every ability in the game. That being said, levels do get much harder to get later on, but the benefits don't go away. Therefore, whether a new player or a returning veteran, here are 10 ways to make leveling in Skyrim a piece of sweet roll.
Updated on May 3 2022, by Jeff Drake: The Skyrim method of gaining character levels by increasing skill levels opens up many avenues for quick and easy experience. Without ever really engaging in combat the player can get to the same level as a stone-cold dragon slayer. This is one of the reasons we all love Skyrim though; it gives players the flexibility to play the game on their terms. This update will add five additional ways for players to level up fast in Skyrim. Players might also be careful not to level up too fast; otherwise the game will not present a challenge until the very end.
20 Summoning

Summoning creatures is a great way to stay alive in Skyrim - especially early in the game when characters can be killed by a couple of hangry bears. Even if the summoned creature can't defeat the enemy on their own, they can at least cause enough of a distraction for the player to get in a few free attacks... or run away like Brave Sir Robin.
Like using any skill, summoning creatures to assist in battle gains experience for the character. This makes summoning a safe and effective way to quickly gain levels. There's also no rule against summoning creatures outside of combat to gain levels even faster.
19 Attack Hadvar

This trick for gaining levels at the very start of the game was discovered early and is still one of the fastest ways to level up before being set free into the harsh realm of Skyrim. After the opening cut-scene and escape from the rampaging dragon, players will eventually find themselves alone with a man named Hadvar.
The player is limited in the skills they can use at this point, but they will have a sword. Use this sword to attack Hadvar. He won't retaliate, and his health regenerates. By doing this the player can get some free levels, as well as get a head-start on the One-Handed skill.
18 Track Down All The Skill Books

In Skyrim, like in the Fallout games, there are skill books scattered across the game-world for players to find. There are five books for each skill, totaling 90 skill books hidden around Skyrim. Each of these books raises the associated skill by one point; two if the player has the Scholar's Insight ability.
Free skill levels equate to free experience for the character. Those playing Skyrim for the first time might want to experience the game without looking at guides or wikis. For those replaying Skyrim, don't forget to check out guides that have the location of all 90 skill books.
17 Healing And Armor Skills

Once the player has some healing spells and some armor they can begin using this trick to level up quickly. The armor skill gets better as the player takes damage. The more damage the character takes, the faster the Light or Heavy Armor skill increases.
By constantly healing while absorbing enemy attacks the player can quickly raise their armor skill(s). Healing spells that are not constant work better with this exploit since they allow the character's mana to recharge. To maximize this effect the player might want every piece of armor on their character to be either light or heavy. Mixing armor types reduces how fast their associated skill will increase.
16 Transmutation

Transmutation is one of the more niche spells out there, but incredibly useful for experience. This spell can be found only in a few select places: the Halted Stream Camp or Ansilvund Burial Chambers. Essentially, it allows players to turn iron into silver and silver into gold.
The best way to use this spell is to turn iron ore into gold, and then turn those into ingots, and finally turn them into gold rings. The rings can also be enchanted for extra experience, and then sold off for a nice price. It's a fantastic way to make a profit while also leveling up.
15 Use The Harmony Spell

The Harmony spell is a much more difficult spell to acquire and cast, as it requires the player to power level with the Muffle spell first. However, if the player's already a Master level mage, all they need is to get this spell from the College of Winterhold.
Go to a crowded area such as the Whiterun marketplace and begin casting Harmony. To replenish Magicka, simply wait until the meter has returned to normal. Since Harmony has a high cost, using potions to reduce the spell cost and having Magicka boosting gear is a must.
14 Sneak Attack Essentials

Within the game there's a multitude of characters that are marked as essentials, which means they're practically unkillable due to an insane health pool. This makes them great targets for power leveling combat abilities and stealth.
One of the best places to do this is High Hrothgar. Find a lone Greybeard that's in the process of meditating and sneak behind them. Make sure to quick save in case something goes wrong. Then, start whacking them as much as possible, and watch the levels climb up.
13 Whack A Horse

If attacking essentials sounds like too much of a risk or insanely tedious, there's another way to do pretty much the same thing. It'll still be tedious, but the player won't risk the hostility of random NPCs while doing it.
Get a horse. Any will do, but Shadowmere is the best option. He's given by Astrid during the Dark Brotherhood quest-line. Turn up the difficulty to Legendary and then start whacking away at your horse. Spells can also be used on it to level up quickly. Just make sure not to kill the horse by accident!
12 Get The Amulet Of Articulation

Speech is one of the best skills to use for leveling up quickly, but it can be annoying if it isn't always successful. Luckily, upon completion of the Thieves Guild quest-line will be gifted the Amulet of Articulation.
This amulet is one of the best speech boosting items in the game, as it essentially allows almost any speech check to pass automatically. Equip it and any speech check should grant the player hefty experience points.
11 Use The Guardian Stones

The Guardian Stones are found immediately after you escape Helgen and being your adventure. Once leaving the cave, follow the path down the hill to come across three ornate stones. Each represents a different subset of skills: Mage, Thief, and Warrior. Each of these grants a 20% boost to how fast those skills can be increased. There is also the Lover's Stone east of Markarth that grants a 15% boost for all skills.
Pick the one that aligns most with how you want to play and you will naturally gain levels faster while playing the game. There is always the option to switch to another subset later on.
10 Make The Aetherial Crown As Soon As Possible

The Guardian Stones are an excellent way to gain levels faster in Skyrim. What if a player could have two Guardian Stones activated at once? With the Aetherial Crown, such a thing is possible. This crown will store the bonus of the previous Guardian Stone if the player activates another.
Getting this crown is no easy feat though. The player will need two dwarven ingots, two gold ingots, two flawless sapphires, and the Aetherium Crest. The Crest is found at the end of the "Lost to the Ages" quest. This quest can be activated by reading the book titled "The Aetherium Wars" or by exploring the dwarven ruins of Arkngthamz; which is located in the Falkreath Hold region to the south.
9 Resting

Do not neglect your beauty sleep while running around Skyrim because resting up provides an experience bonus. A 5% bonus is given for sleeping in someone else's bed, 10% for sleeping in the protagonist's own bed, and 15% for sleeping with an in-game husband or wife. This bonus lasts for 8 in-game hours.
It helps that most caves and dungeons will have some kind of bed in them. All that needs to be done is to nicely ask the previous occupants to leave, with your weapon of choice that is.
8 Use Muffle & Sneak Everywhere

Muffle is an Illusion spell that can be obtained early on in Skyrim. It can be used outside of combat as often as the character's Magicka will allow, and it's an easy and effective way to level the Illusion skill quickly. The Illusion spell also makes movement silent, so using it to sneak past enemies will improve both skills at once.
It's a great way to passively improve some skills and gain levels while exploring the world. Plus, it'll lead to damage bonuses in combat that will help throughout the campaign.
7 Pick A Fight With Giants

Once the player is strong enough that giants can't hit them into next week with a club as tall as a house, they'll have a relatively powerful enemy to boost their combat skills. Giants can be used to boost any fighting skill, whether it's archery, destruction, or one-handed or two-handed skills.
Since Giants are hard hitters, you can always stock up on potions and let them wail on you to improve your armor and block skills, just bring a shield and make sure to be dressed in more than simply underwear. Instead of potions, those who are magically inclined can take this opportunity to boost their Restoration skill as well.
6 Iron Daggers & More Iron Daggers

Back when Skyrim first came out, regardless of what was made while smithing, the same amount of experience would be gained. This meant an iron dagger granted the same experience gain as making a Daedric sword. That was patched since the game's original release but iron and leather straps are still a cheap and effective way to gain some levels early on. Use them to level up your smithing until crafting higher-tier items, like Dwarven bows, becomes a viable option.
Also, making Ingots doesn't grant experience so it's best to just buy them and ore from blacksmiths. It's faster and easier than trying to find veins to mine.
5 Diversify Your Skills

Every improved skill contributes to the playable character's overall level. Consequently, a good way to maximize levels is to improve as many skills as possible, especially early on. Alternatively, once at a high level, look over the skills that still need to be improved and focus on them for a bit.
For those who had been focusing on one-handed all game, switch over to a two-handed weapon or a bow. As low-level combat skills will increase quickly on tough enemies, this is a great way to level up late in the game.
4 Steal Some Souls

For this method, you'll want to pick up every soul gem possible and a weapon with the Soul Trap effect. The Mace of Molag Bal which is obtained in Markarth after doing "The House of Horrors" Daedric Quest is a good choice.
With these weapons, anyone killed will have their soul stolen and put into an empty soul gem. These gems can be used to restore the mace's enchantment, which improves the player's enchanting skill. This allows the characters to level up quickly.
3 Steal Some More Souls, But Not Really

This method can be done once the spell tome is acquired for the Soul Trap spell. All that needs to be done is to find a dead body in a safe place and continually cast Soul Trap on it. This allows the player's Conjuration skill to be increased accordingly.
Once out of Magicka, wait for an hour instead of waiting to let it refill. To make it go faster, don't forget to take advantage of the Mage Guardian stone, and feel free to use mage robes to increase how many times you can cast it before waiting.
2 Detect Life

Once you come across the Detect Life spell, you'll be able to easily improve the Alteration skill. It's a spell that, as the name implies, detects life. The amount of experience gained is linked to the actual number of people detected by the spell. Therefore, head to a populous city like Riften, Whiterun, or Solitude and start casting away.
While Detect Life can be cast in dungeons and caves, it'll be much more effective near a large gathering of non-hostile NPCs. This is one of the most effective ways to power-level.
1 Buy Them

Last but not least, wealthy adventurers who can't be bothered to level up the old-fashioned way can just throw money at their problems. There are a variety of NPCs that can train players in a skill in exchange for a little of the gold "found" on those dead bodies scattered across Skyrim.
Each of them can train up to a certain level; common-level trainers up to 50, expert-level to 75, and master-level to 90. It's a great way to get those last few levels.
Source: https://www.thegamer.com/elder-scrolls-skyrim-methods-level-up-fast/
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