Review of How to Get Away With Murder

The newest denizen of Shondaland enters its second season nevertheless basking in the afterglow of star Viola Davis' big Emmy win and maintaining the buzz created by its uneven only inspired 15-episode debut final twelvemonth. The fourth dimension-jumping twists and turns of its opening bow kept How to Get Away With Murder kinetic and breathless, and the 2nd season premiere wastes no time diving dorsum into the fray. Terminal season's finale revealed who took out pregnant co-ed Lila Stangard (information technology was Frank, Annalise Keating's consultant/button homo) but left a fresh body as a cliffhanger: that of bartender, accused killer, piercing enthusiast, and sometimes Wes paramour Rebecca.

Of course, that murder is solved within the new season'south starting time hour, continuing the series' full-speed barreling. In addition to the spinning roulette bicycle of suspects in Rebecca'southward killing, in that location's a fresh cornucopia of complications for Keating and her law students. The most fascinating of those new plot threads involves the arrival of Eve Rothlow (new cast fellow member Famke Janssen), i of Annalise's onetime college friends (or possibly more) who is at present defending the framed Nate. Meanwhile, Annalise is diving headlong into representing a pair of adopted kids accused of torturing and slaying their parents, and there's still the question of the identity of the mysterious "Eggs 911," the recipient of Rebecca's text messages from the last nighttime she was alive.

Oh, and at that place'southward also that pesky flash-forward that suggests Wes straight-up caps Annalise in a few months. For a lot of shows, that would be way too many plot plates to spin without letting a few tumble and shatter. Merely Hot to Get Away With Murder has a not-so-clandestine weapon in Davis, whose administrative presence and calm hand lend gravitas to even the almost absurd plot turns. Similar most every piece of fiction that takes place in a courtroom, Murder has no basis in the reality of the legal system, and just like Scandal, there are probably two besides many characters to have to intendance near. But it manages to continuously elevate the dramatic stakes and navigate the ever-evolving relationships of its principals while rarely allowing itself to become narratively untethered (non to pile on, but Scandal was guilty of that last season too). With such an intense commitment to its escalated sense of reality, it's always possible this bear witness suddenly crashes and burns. But at this point, with Davis at the front end, How to Become Away With Murder tin can get away with just most annihilation it wants.

Episode Recaps


How to Get Abroad With Murder

Viola Davis stars every bit a police professor where she teaches, wait for it, how to get away with murder.

  • Boob tube Show
  • vi
  • Crime
  • Mystery
  • Peter Nowalk
  • ABC
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